ChatGPT solves the Israeli-Palestinian crisis

Published March 13, 2024

Humans have failed, so I prompt­ed ChatGPT to “Act as a mas­ter diplo­mat and solve the Israeli-Palestinian prob­lem.” That simple.

The response is actu­al­ly damned good.


As a mas­ter diplo­mat, I approach the Israeli-Palestinian con­flict with empa­thy, prag­ma­tism, and a com­mit­ment to find­ing com­mon ground. While this com­plex issue has deep his­tor­i­cal roots, I pro­pose a frame­work for dia­logue and resolution:

  1. Dialogue and Trust-Building:

    • Initiate direct, uncon­di­tion­al talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
    • Establish a neu­tral medi­a­tion team to facil­i­tate discussions.
    • Encourage peo­ple-to-peo­ple exchanges, cul­tur­al events, and joint projects to fos­ter mutu­al understanding.
  2. Two-State Solution:

    • Reaffirm the goal of two inde­pen­dent states: Israel and Palestine.
    • Borders based on pre-1967 lines with mutu­al­ly agreed land swaps.
    • Jerusalem as the shared cap­i­tal, ensur­ing access to holy sites for all.
  3. Security and Cooperation:

    • Develop a com­pre­hen­sive secu­ri­ty plan to address con­cerns on both sides.
    • Joint efforts to com­bat ter­ror­ism and ensure safe­ty for civilians.
    • Economic coop­er­a­tion, trade, and infra­struc­ture projects to ben­e­fit both nations.
  4. Refugees and Right of Return:

    • Acknowledge the pain of dis­place­ment for both Palestinian refugees and Jewish refugees from Arab countries.
    • Explore cre­ative solu­tions, such as com­pen­sa­tion, reset­tle­ment, or sym­bol­ic gestures.
    • Respect the right of return while rec­og­niz­ing prac­ti­cal limitations.
  5. Settlements and Land:

    • Freeze fur­ther set­tle­ment con­struc­tion in the West Bank.
    • Gradual with­draw­al from iso­lat­ed set­tle­ments, with com­pen­sa­tion for settlers.
    • Preserve land for future Palestinian statehood.
  6. International Support:

    • Engage region­al and inter­na­tion­al actors (includ­ing the Quartet) to sup­port the peace process.
    • Leverage eco­nom­ic incen­tives and diplo­mat­ic pressure.
    • Encourage invest­ment in Palestinian infra­struc­ture and institutions.
  7. Public Diplomacy and Education:

    • Promote nar­ra­tives of coex­is­tence, tol­er­ance, and shared history.
    • Revise text­books to present bal­anced perspectives.
    • Engage civ­il soci­ety, reli­gious lead­ers, and youth in peacebuilding.
  8. Incremental Progress:

    • Recognize that last­ing peace may require grad­ual steps.
    • Celebrate small vic­to­ries and build momentum.
    • Maintain a long-term vision while address­ing imme­di­ate needs.

Remember, as a mas­ter diplo­mat, my role is to facil­i­tate dia­logue, not impose solu­tions. The path to peace lies in gen­uine dia­logue, com­pro­mise, and a com­mit­ment to a bet­ter future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

But then.…

I fol­lowed up with two oth­er questions:

Why do you favor a two-state solution?


As a mas­ter diplo­mat, I advo­cate for a two-state solu­tion to the Israeli-Palestinian con­flict due to sev­er­al com­pelling reasons:

  1. Historical Context:

    • The con­flict has deep his­tor­i­cal roots, includ­ing ter­ri­to­r­i­al dis­putes, iden­ti­ty, and com­pet­ing narratives.
    • A two-state solu­tion acknowl­edges the dis­tinct nation­al aspi­ra­tions of both Israelis and Palestinians.
  2. Self-Determination:

    • Each peo­ple deserves the right to self-deter­mi­na­tion and sovereignty.
    • A sep­a­rate Palestinian state along­side Israel allows both nations to gov­ern them­selves independently.
  3. Security and Stability:

    • Two sep­a­rate states can address secu­ri­ty con­cerns more effectively.
    • Defined bor­ders pro­vide clar­i­ty and reduce tensions.
  4. Demographic Realities:

    • Israel’s demo­graph­ic com­po­si­tion includes both Jewish and Arab citizens.
    • A two-state solu­tion ensures a Jewish-major­i­ty Israel while allow­ing Palestinians to estab­lish their own state.
  5. International Consensus:

    • The inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty gen­er­al­ly sup­ports a two-state framework.
    • UN res­o­lu­tions and diplo­mat­ic efforts have con­sis­tent­ly aimed at this outcome.
  6. Practical Viability:

    • Despite chal­lenges, a two-state solu­tion remains the most prac­ti­cal path forward.
    • It builds on exist­ing insti­tu­tions and infrastructure.
  7. Shared Capital in Jerusalem:

    • Designating Jerusalem as the shared cap­i­tal rec­og­nizes its sig­nif­i­cance to both Israelis and Palestinians.
    • Ensuring access to holy sites for all is crucial.
  8. Economic Cooperation:

    • A two-state solu­tion allows for eco­nom­ic coop­er­a­tion, trade, and joint projects.
    • Shared resources ben­e­fit both nations.
  9. Humanitarian Considerations:

    • Palestinians deserve a state where they can thrive eco­nom­i­cal­ly, social­ly, and politically.
    • Israelis also ben­e­fit from a sta­ble, peace­ful neighbor.
  10. Long-Term Peace:

    • While chal­lenges per­sist, a two-state solu­tion offers a path toward last­ing peace.
    • It requires com­pro­mise, good­will, and sus­tained efforts from both sides.

Remember, as a diplo­mat, my role is to facil­i­tate dia­logue and find com­mon ground. The ulti­mate res­o­lu­tion must be nego­ti­at­ed by the par­ties involved, with inter­na­tion­al sup­port and goodwill .


Me: In this sce­nario, who would gov­ern or admin­is­ter the shared cap­i­tal of Jerusalem?


In the con­text of a two-state solu­tion, the gov­er­nance or admin­is­tra­tion of the shared cap­i­tal, Jerusalem, would require del­i­cate nego­ti­a­tion and cre­ative arrange­ments. Here are some poten­tial approaches:

  1. International Administration:

    • Establish an inter­na­tion­al body or con­sor­tium to over­see Jerusalem’s administration.
    • Representatives from both Israel and Palestine, along with oth­er rel­e­vant stake­hold­ers, could participate.
    • This body would man­age key aspects such as access to holy sites, infra­struc­ture, and munic­i­pal services.
  2. Joint Municipal Council:

    • Create a joint munic­i­pal coun­cil for Jerusalem.
    • Composed of elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives from both Israeli and Palestinian communities.
    • Responsibilities would include urban plan­ning, pub­lic ser­vices, and cul­tur­al preservation.
  3. Special Status Zone:

    • Designate Jerusalem as a spe­cial sta­tus zone.
    • Governed by a unique legal frame­work that respects the city’s sig­nif­i­cance to mul­ti­ple faiths.
    • International guar­an­tees would ensure equal access and pro­tec­tion of reli­gious sites.
  4. Shared Institutions:

    • Establish shared insti­tu­tions for edu­ca­tion, health­care, and cul­tur­al exchange.
    • These insti­tu­tions would pro­mote mutu­al under­stand­ing and cooperation.
    • Funding and man­age­ment would involve con­tri­bu­tions from both sides.
  5. Symbolic Leadership:

    • Consider a rotat­ing sym­bol­ic lead­er­ship arrangement.
    • Israeli and Palestinian lead­ers take turns rep­re­sent­ing the city.
    • Practical gov­er­nance would still occur through admin­is­tra­tive bodies.
  6. Security Cooperation:

    • Collaborate on secu­ri­ty mat­ters to main­tain peace and stability.
    • Joint patrols, intel­li­gence shar­ing, and coor­di­nat­ed responses.
    • Ensuring safe­ty for res­i­dents and vis­i­tors alike.
  7. Economic Integration:

    • Encourage eco­nom­ic inte­gra­tion between Israeli and Palestinian neighborhoods.
    • Shared busi­ness ven­tures, tourism, and cul­tur­al events.
    • Economic pros­per­i­ty ben­e­fits both communities.

Remember, any solu­tion must respect the reli­gious, his­tor­i­cal, and emo­tion­al ties to Jerusalem while ensur­ing prac­ti­cal func­tion­al­i­ty and peace­ful coex­is­tence. The specifics would require nego­ti­a­tion, com­pro­mise, and good­will from both sides.