Whole new worlds

Published October 13, 2024

Firefox on Android has a fea­ture where it shows you “Thought-pro­vok­ing sto­ries” that come from Pocket (which is owned by Mozilla, mak­er of Firefox). These aren’t spon­sored links or ads; they’re sim­ply pop­u­lar sto­ries that peo­ple have book­marked late­ly. You can choose which cat­e­gories to show, and I usu­al­ly pick sci­ence and/or technology.

What’s inter­est­ing to me is that some of these sto­ries come from online mag­a­zines that I’ve nev­er heard of, but, once I explore them, I real­ize are clear­ly pop­u­lar and have been around a while. They’re typ­i­cal­ly well-designed and (it seems) well-fund­ed, judg­ing by the fact that they seem to have staff writ­ers and an edi­to­r­i­al staff. (And no, they aren’t AI-written.)

It’s like find­ing a whole oth­er world I nev­er knew exist­ed. It’s not stum­bling upon some weird, dark cor­ner of the Internet — these are (for want of a bet­ter word) legit­i­mate sites cre­at­ed and writ­ten by pro­fes­sion­als with, I have to assume, some kind of office, edi­to­r­i­al meet­ings, maybe even a staff break room with dough­nuts some­one brought in that day. (Sure, they might be entire­ly vir­tu­al, but let me have my fantasy.)

If I men­tioned any by name (Hakai magazine)(Fatherly (“the lead­ing dig­i­tal media brand for dads”), I sus­pect some peo­ple would say, “Oh, sure, I read that all the time,” but cer­tain­ly there are oth­er, bright­ly lit cor­ners of the Net that they haven’t found. It’s a big vir­tu­al world.

It makes me real­ize how … siloed I am. I like to think I read a lot of sources with a lot of points of view, but in real­i­ty there’s so much more to explore.