My résumé

[address and phone avail­able upon request]


  • More than 30 years’ expe­ri­ence with edit­ing, writ­ing, Web design, image and video edit­ing, and mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions in general
  • Launched two mag­a­zines, cre­at­ed Web sites and trade shows, devel­oped cus­tom publications
  • Skilled man­ag­er; super­vised more than 10 in-house staff and dozens of freelancers


Communications Consultant (free­lance)
Clients include Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding, Georgia Pharmacy Association, Revelation Pharma, and others
August 2022 to present

Communications Director, Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding
April 2017 to August 2022

Director of Communication, Georgia Pharmacy Association
August 2013 to March 2017

Editorial Director, Virginia Association of Realtors
April 2008 to August 2013
I cre­at­ed, wrote, and edit­ed the mag­a­zine for Virginia’s 29,000 Realtors. I turned what was a throw­away asso­ci­a­tion newslet­ter into the best-read real estate mag­a­zine in the state. I built and main­tained the asso­ci­a­tion’s web­site, and I wrote a crazy-pop­u­lar dai­ly blog (espe­cial­ly crazy con­sid­er­ing it was about real estate).

Business and Technology Reporter, Times-World Communications
July 2004 to April 2008
I wrote dai­ly news and fea­ture sto­ries on busi­ness, tech­nol­o­gy, and oth­er sub­jects for ~90,000-circulation dai­ly news­pa­per (the Roanoke Times) and lat­er for the 60,000-circulation Blue Ridge Business Journal.

Columnist, USA Today
December 2003 through June 2007
As free­lancer, I wrote a week­ly col­umn cov­er­ing the effects of the lat­est news-mak­ing technologies.

Journals Editing Manager, American Chemical Society
July 2002 to March 2004
I super­vised the edi­tors and man­aged the pro­duc­tion of eight pres­ti­gious sci­en­tif­ic jour­nals. I worked with sci­en­tists, edi­tors, and pro­duc­tion staff to pub­lish Web-based and print ver­sions of each journal.

Editor-in-Chief, National Underwriter’s Technology Decisions
February 1999 to May 2002
I launched and man­aged a month­ly busi­ness-to-busi­ness mag­a­zine focus­ing on tech­nol­o­gy for the insur­ance indus­try. I planned issues, devel­oped sto­ries, cul­ti­vat­ed busi­ness rela­tion­ships, and helped cre­ate con­tent and recruit speak­ers for the annu­al trade show.

Executive Editor, EarthWeb
September 1998 to February 1999
I super­vised the edi­to­r­i­al and pro­duc­tion staff of Web-based mag­a­zine and resource for pro­gram­mers and devel­op­ers. I was respon­si­ble for edi­to­r­i­al con­tent in dai­ly and week­ly sec­tions. (EarthWeb was an ear­ly vic­tim of the dot-com crash.)

April 1994 to May 1998

As asso­ciate edi­tor (lat­er senior edi­tor) of Internet World mag­a­zine, I helped launch what became the largest Internet mag­a­zine in the coun­try. I was respon­si­ble for plan­ning, assign­ing, edit­ing, and some­times writ­ing the news sec­tion as well as fea­tures and columns; I cre­at­ed and pro­duced the magazine’s first Web site. Supervised staff of five full-time employ­ees and many freelancers.

Later, I relaunched the company’s Internet Shopper mag­a­zine, a bimonth­ly con­sumer print pub­li­ca­tion. I estab­lished edi­to­r­i­al direc­tion, orga­nized con­tent, and worked with in-house and free­lance writers.

When the mag­a­zine was made Web-only, I became edi­tor-in-chief of Mecklermedia’s flag­ship Web prop­er­ty,, where I worked with design and devel­op­ment staff to re-invent it for a more tech­ni­cal audi­ence — putting a greater focus on news, new tech­nolo­gies, and prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion for developers.

Staff Editor, Editorial Researcher, PC Magazine
March 1992 to April 1994
As researcher, I inves­ti­gat­ed com­put­er hard­ware and soft­ware prod­ucts for review and pub­li­ca­tion. When pro­mot­ed to staff edi­tor, I assist­ed with all aspects of sto­ry devel­op­ment includ­ing research, plan­ning, and sto­ry focus; I edit­ed con­tent for style and accu­ra­cy as well as wrote arti­cles and reviews.

Other experience

  • Editorial Assistant, State University of N.Y. College at Old Westbury; February 1991 to March 1992
  • News Writer and Editorial Assistant, Wyckoff Heights Medical Center; February 1990 to February 1991


  • Bachelor of Arts, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, N.Y. Dean’s List.
  • Diploma, Stuyvesant High School, New York, N.Y.