Samples of my work


USA Today: “Electronic ink may rewrite book pub­lish­ing indus­try” — one of these days, peo­ple are going to own elec­tron­ic books (from 2006)

The Roanoke Times: “A down-to-earth way to heat schools” — how schools were turn­ing to geot­her­mal ener­gy for heat­ing and cool­ing — and sav­ing a ton of money

USA Today: “Owning music and movies may soon be a thing of the past” — some­day we won’t buy CDs or DVDs, but will all keep our media on the Internet… aka, “the cloud” (from 2007)

Commonwealth: “Signs of life” — the num­bers are clear, even if pun­dits aren’t; the hous­ing recov­ery is here

Commonwealth: “Watch Your Step” — scams and cons are tar­get­ing the real estate mar­ket; here’s how they work


And more: Two-bit fill-in Designer

We need­ed drink tick­ets for our con­ven­tion, and I want­ed some­thing that was mem­o­rable (which helps rein­force the qual­i­ty and val­ue of the event) but not expen­sive. So I went with, essen­tial­ly, full-col­or busi­ness cards, which are extra­or­di­nar­i­ly easy and inex­pen­sive to print.
Instead of print­ing sev­er­al (well, more than sev­er­al) indi­vid­ual fly­ers for events and infor­ma­tion for our con­ven­tion, I cre­at­ed a sin­gle, sim­ple black-and-white guide that con­tained it all. That allowed us to print it on demand on site for atten­dees who did­n’t want to use our app or web­site. Bonus: It only took me about four hours to cre­ate. (Click here to see the whole thing as a PDF.)
OH NO! We need a logo for a game we’re run­ning and we only have a hour to get it to a print­er! Whip some­thing up!

Our mem­ber­ship appli­ca­tion was long and unwieldy — a bar­ri­er to entry, you might say. We sim­ply asked for too much infor­ma­tion and too much detail.

My solu­tion: Simplify the form to col­lect the basics, then ask new mem­bers to “com­plete your pro­file” and fill in the rest.